Looking to do business with the RTC? The RTC uses the regional supplier registration and e-bidding platform, Nevada Gov eMarketplace (NGEM). NGEM allows contractors and suppliers to register in one central location to receive requests for bids or proposals from participating entities in Nevada. There is no charge for using NGEM.
Tips for success:
- When registering as a supplier, review commodities and mark those that pertain to your business. Selecting commodities will allow suppliers to receive invites to solicitations as they are issued.
- Keep your information in NGEM up to date, ensuring that emails, phone numbers, and addresses are accurate before submitting a bid or proposal.
- If there’s a project you are interested in, attend the Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal meeting, if offered.
- If there’s a bigger project you are interested in, attend the Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal meeting, and review the Plan Holders Tab in NGEM for potential subcontracting opportunities.
- Contact the Purchasing Representative listed on the Event Details Tab in NGEM with any questions about the submission process or navigating NGEM.
S2 Civil, a RiSE-certified engineering firm, has used NGEM to build partnerships with new clients. Venu Parimi, President of S2 Civil, had this to say about NGEM and the RiSE program, “Participating in the RiSE program with RTC has opened doors for my business. The support I have received from RTC of Southern Nevada, specifically on how to navigate NGEM, has contributed to an increase in opportunities to bid as a subconsultant on federally funded projects. I’m proud to be part of a program that supports small businesses, and I highly recommend it to any entrepreneur looking to expand their network in this competitive environment.”