Rider Guide2024-12-23T13:13:35-08:00

Rider Guide

Paratransit Riders Guide
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) Paratransit Services is a shared-ride, public transportation service for people with disabilities, as required by federal law, who are functionally unable to independently use the RTC fixed route services.

The RTC strives to provide safe and reliable service for all members of the community, and is committed to providing customers with the most up-to-date information available. You will find within this guide information you will need to use the RTC ADA Paratransit Services. Please review this information carefully. If you have any questions, feel free to call Customer Care at (702) 228-4800 or for the hearing impaired (702) 676-1834 (TDD).

Paratransit Riders' Guide
Paratransit Rider Guide (MP3)

No Show Policy

A “no show” occurs when a customer does not board the vehicle within five minutes of the vehicle’s arrival or when a customer cancels a ride within the 30-minute ready window. Each no show is counted as one (1) penalty point. To cancel a scheduled trip, call RTC Paratransit Customer Care at (702) 228-4800 or (702) 676-1834 (TDD). To learn more about our No Show Policy, please see below.

RTC ADA Paratransit Services operates 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.

The system operates within ¾ of a mile from the RTC fixed-route system as required under the ADA. Areas that are not serviced by the RTC fixed route bus system may not have service through the RTC ADA Paratransit Services.

Nellis Air Force Base is within the RTC service area and permits drop off and pick up at designated areas only. Please ask the Customer Care agent where you may be dropped off at the base when scheduling your reservation. Customers must have a valid military identification card in their possession to access transit to/from Nellis Air Force Base.

RTC ADA Paratransit operates with limited service on the following holidays:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Martin L. King, Jr. Day
  • Presidents’ Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Nevada Day
  • Veterans Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

Subscription service does not operate on holidays (except for dialysis appointments). All subscription trips, other than dialysis, are automatically cancelled without assessment of points to the customer. If you need to travel on a holiday, you will need to schedule a demand response trip up to three days prior to travel. To schedule a demand response trip, call (702) 228-4800.

The RTC’s goal is to provide the best customer service possible. As a suggestion to help serve its riders, the RTC would like to remind customers to call before changing residences to verify that public transportation is available where they are moving. Don’t leave yourself without a ride. One call is all it takes to RTC Customer Care at (702) 228-4800 or by checking if your in the service area online.

It is important to keep information current. Update home and mailing addresses and emergency contact information when scheduling a trip. Information available is subject to change based on future adjustments to fixed route transit schedules.

RTC ADA Paratransit Fares

RTC ADA Paratransit Services fare is broken down into various categories. The following outlines the rate schedule for a one-way trip.

Amount Type
Base cash (one-way) $3
Companion fare (one-way) $3
4 Single Ride Coupon Book $12
10 Single Ride Coupon Book $30
22 Single Rides (per calendar month) $40
46 Single Rides (per calendar month) $80
Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Free


RTC Paratransit riders who are taking Medicaid authorized trips do not need to present fare payment. Medicaid clients should contact their caseworker to determine which trips will be authorized. Call the Medicaid trip broker, Medical Transportation Management (MTM) at (844) 879-7341 to schedule Medicaid rides. The RTC does not determine what type of trips will be authorized. If the reservation is not scheduled by MTM, the passenger will need to pay the fare.


Try Fixed Route for FREE
Paratransit customers can ride fixed route transit for free! Just swipe your RTC ADA Paratransit I.D. Card through the vehicle farebox when boarding. Paratransit clients approved to ride with a personal care attendant (PCA) may have the PCA ride free of charge. Paratransit customers can ride fixed route transit for free! Just swipe your RTC ADA Paratransit I.D. Card through the vehicle farebox when boarding. Paratransit clients approved to ride with a personal care attendant (PCA) may have the PCA ride free of charge.

Paper passes are currently not issued to clients when they purchase a 46-ride or 22-ride monthly fare. The RTC will make a notation in the client’s file that a monthly fare was purchased, and all drivers will be notified that the client is eligible to ride. Please note that the fare will be updated to the client file five to seven days after the purchase is processed depending on how the purchase was completed.

It is recommended that customers purchase their monthly pass five to seven days prior to the beginning of the month to ensure that the monthly pass is added to their client record and available to use when the month begins.

Customers can purchase their Paratransit fares, in person, at the RTC Administration Building or the Bonneville Transit Center. Paratransit monthly fares purchased in person at one of these locations are updated to the client’s file within one day. If your monthly pass has not processed when transport is needed, please pay the fare and then immediately contact Customer Care at (702) 228-4800.

A Paratransit monthly fare and coupon book can be purchased at rtcsnv.com or by mailing a check or money order to:

RTC ADA Paratransit Services
600 S. Grand Central Pkwy., Ste. 350
Las Vegas, NV 89106

Mailed checks must be pre-printed with the rider’s name, phone number and Paratransit I.D. number. The RTC cannot accept out-of-state checks or third-party checks. Please allow 5-7 days for mail delivery and processing.

Cash fares must be paid at the time of boarding a vehicle. Drivers do not carry change. If you have any questions regarding fare sales, please call Customer Care at (702) 228-4800.

The RTC will treat as eligible for complementary paratransit service all visitors who present documentation that they have paratransit eligibility in the jurisdiction in which they reside. This can be accomplished in advance of arrival by requesting confirmation of paratransit eligibility be sent to the RTC either by mail, fax or email.

RTC Paratransit Services
600 S. Grand Central Pkwy., Ste. 350
Las Vegas, NV 89106
Attn: Customer Service

(702) 676-1518

Click here to email

If the visitor is requesting to register in advance of their arrival and they are not certified for Paratransit with another transit agency then the RTC will request that the visitor provide documentation of disability by mail, fax or email.

If the visitor appears in person to request visitor status and they are unable to present documentation of paratransit eligibility, the RTC may require proof of residence and if their disability is not apparent the RTC will ask the visitor to sign a certification document that states that they are unable to use fixed route transit.

RTC ADA Paratransit Services is a public transportation service. Whenever possible, the RTC will schedule rides with multiple passengers. This means you will be sharing rides with other persons with disabilities. Please be a courteous rider. Riders who require medication or oxygen at regular intervals should be advised that their travel time comparable in length of an identical trip on the RTC fixed route system, including the time necessary to travel to the bus stop, wait for the bus, actual riding time, transferring, and traveling from the stop to your ultimate destination.

Reservations can be made by calling Customer Care at (702) 228-4800 or (702) 676-1834 (TDD) for hearing impaired seven days a week (including holidays) between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m., or use our online portal myRTCPara.rtcsnv.com. For details, see page 16. Reservations may be made from one day to three days in advance of the day of travel.

Tips for Requesting a Ride

Please have the following information available for the Customer Care agent:

  • Your name
  • The day and date of your trip
  • Your pick-up address (this must include exact street address, building or facility name, also include apartment number, building number, suite number and gate codes, if applicable) and your pick-up phone number
  • Your destination address (this must include exact street address, building or facility name, also include apartment number, building number, suite number and gate codes if applicable) and your destination phone number, if available
  • The time you would like to be picked up from your pick-up address or the time you would like to arrive at your destination, if you have an appointment. You may not request both a pick-up and an arrival time. You may choose one or the other.
  • The type of mobility aide(s) you will be using*
  • The number of people traveling – will you be taking a companion or Personal Care Attendant?**

*Passengers cannot travel using a mobility device unless it has been previously recorded in your certification file. Any changes to your mobility device requirements or Personal Care Attendant needs must be updated with the Certification Office prior to the date of your call.

**You must be authorized by the certification department to take a Personal Care Attendant. Companions are required to pay full fare.

You should have a pen or pencil handy to write down the Customer Care agent’s name, date and window times of your pickups. Keep in mind, even if all you need to do is drop off or pick up something, the driver cannot wait for you. You will need to schedule two separate trips.

Other Important Tips

  • Customers may schedule rides up to three days in advance. Riders are encouraged to provide as much advance notice as possible (with in three days).
  • Trips may be scheduled, cancelled, or confirmed online at myRTCPara.rtcsnv.com.
  • For the fastest service when scheduling your trip, call between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Here’s a big secret you can pass on to your friends: If you want to spend less time waiting to speak with an agent, try calling between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • The demand for Paratransit trips peaks from 6 to 9:30 a.m. and 1 to 5 p.m. on weekdays. You will generally have the best selection of pick-up times if you request a trip outside of these “peak” hours.
  • Paratransit passengers should be ready to depart at any time during their scheduled pick-up window.  If the Paratransit vehicle arrives early, passengers are allowed to board early, but do not have to board ahead of the scheduled window. Passengers WILL NOT be penalized for not boarding early.  If the driver arrives early, the driver will wait until the passenger’s pick-up window begins.  Once the window begins, a passenger has five minutes to board the vehicle.
  • There are designated Paratransit stops at major locations such as shopping malls, hotels, casinos, hospitals college campuses and some apartment complexes. Please verify with the Customer Care agent where the vehicle will drop off and pick up. For safety reasons, the drivers will not deviate from these designated stops.
  • A Paratransit trip SHOULD  be comparable in length to an identical trip on the fixed route system, including the time necessary to travel to the bus stop, waiting for the bus, the actual riding time, time to transfer, and travel from the final stop to your ultimate destination.
  • There is no restroom access on the Paratransit vehicles, and drivers cannot stop.
  • Please keep your information current and notify the RTC of any change of address, phone number, emergency contact information, etc.

Please Note:

  • Trips may originate and end from any location within the RTC’s ADA Paratransit service area. Rides may be one-way, round-trip or multiple rides. All pick-ups and destinations need to be located within the RTC’s ADA Paratransit service area.
  • No changes can be made to any trips on the day of your scheduled ride, including the time of travel or any changes to the addresses.

The RTC’s Customer Care agents will do their best to accommodate the times you request; however, alternate times may be offered. As Paratransit is a shared ride service, the Customer Care agent is allowed to negotiate the times of your trip within an hour of your requested pick-up time. Times may be offered as early as an hour before or as late as an hour after your requested pick-up time.

The interval between pick-up times on the same day is recommended to be at least two hours. For example, if your scheduled pick-up time is 10 to 10:30 a.m., it is recommended that you do not schedule your next ride until noon to 12:30 p.m. This will help to ensure you have arrived at your first destination with enough time to travel on your second or return ride.


Subscription service is available for trips that are considered consistent and repetitive over a period of at least 30 days. Once the subscription service goes into effect, there is no need for additional reservation calls.

There are three categories of subscription requests, each with different criteria:

  1. Weekly trips – will occur at least three (3) times over a seven day period
  2. Weekday trips – will occur at least two (2) times, Monday through Friday
  3. Weekend trips – will occur at least one (1) time on Saturday and/or Sunday

To be considered for subscription service, a person must demonstrate a pattern of no excessive cancellations or no shows. Requests may be made by calling a RTC Customer Care agent at (702) 228- 4800 or (702) 676-1834 (TDD) for hearing impaired.

The RTC offers subscription services as an optional component of service. Subscription services are allowed under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 but not mandated. Your request may be placed on a waiting list. When a space becomes available, the individual will be notified. Requests are maintained for four months, after which, you may re-apply. To avoid assessment of no-show points please remember to cancel subscriptions that are no longer needed. Subscription service with excessive cancellations and /or no shows will not be continued.

These subscription trips will be monitored and may be modified to improve efficiency. If a change in pick-up time occurs, you will be notified of the change two weeks prior to the change going into effect.

Arrivals & Late Arrivals

Passengers should be ready to depart at any time during their scheduled pick-up window and be available for travel when the vehicle arrives. Drivers are instructed to wait five (5) minutes after their arrival and will not leave before. If the driver arrives early, the driver will wait until your pick-up window begins and then give you five (5) minutes to board.

Gated Communities

If a pick-up location is within a gated community, it is the customer’s responsibility to arrange entry for the vehicle. When you schedule a trip, please confirm the gate code. Any changes should be reported to RTC ADA Paratransit Services at (702) 228-4800 or (702) 676-1834 (TDD). If a vehicle is unable to enter the pick-up area or the customer fails to meet the vehicle outside of the community, the customer’s trip will be designated as a no show. Please note that some gated communities may have designated pick-up/drop-off location(s) that cannot be changed. Please check with the Customer Care agent when you are scheduling a ride.

RTC Paratransit Same-Day-Service 

RTC offers ADA certified riders an option for non-emergency, unplanned medical needs. Using the same-day-service request program, RTC Paratransit riders can schedule non-life threatening medical trips only. Trips can be for any medical reason, for example, pharmacy, therapy, etc. The same-day-service is provided to ADA certified riders within the ADA service area. There is no additional charge for a same-day-service ride; the fare is the same as RTC ADA Paratransit Service. Same-day service is provided on a space available basis and ride times are not guaranteed. The RTC recommends that you make every effort to pre-plan and schedule your medical trips in advance.

Same-day-service ride hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to midnight. No weekends or holidays. To schedule a same-day-service request, call (702) 228-4800 and select option 3 “same-day-service request” to schedule your ride. Reservations can be made Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

RTC uses an automated phone system to assist in efficiently routing customers’ calls. The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

When you call 228-4800, you will hear the following prompts.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) (702) 228-4800

  1. Confirm or cancel a ride
  2. Schedule a ride between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. or cancel a 2-3 days to advance
  3. Inquire on a current ride or schedule a same day medical trip
  4. Certification or eligibility
  5. Verify customer information
  6. General information
  7. System Comments
  8. Mobility Training Information

Press 0 to speak to a representative

* Repeat menu choices

# Customers can confirm or cancel their rides for the next three days without having to speak to a customer service representative. Your access code is your Paratransit ID number and your password is a four digit number comprised of the last two digits of your birth year and the two digit number of your birth month. Example: 06/12/1985 = 8506. If you have questions regarding your ID or password, please contact Paratransit Customer Service.


Paratransit users have the ability to book, check the status or cancel a previously scheduled Paratransit ride at myRTCPara.rtcsnv.com. Or you can call our Paratransit Customer Care office at (702) 228-4800.

RTC ADA Paratransit Services may contract with other providers for transportation service. The Customer Care agent is unable to tell you what type of vehicle will be used for your trip. All vehicles used through this service are required to display an RTC sign on their vehicle. If you do not see the sign, ask the operator to show it to you.

To cancel a scheduled trip, call RTC Paratransit Customer Care at (702) 228-4800 or (702) 676- 1834 (TDD).

A “no show” occurs when a customer does not board the vehicle within five minutes of the vehicle’s arrival or when a customer cancels a ride within the 30-minute ready window. Each no show is counted as one (1) penalty point.

A “late cancellation” occurs when a customer cancels a trip less than two hours before the start of the 30-minute ready window. Each late cancellation is counted as half (1/2) of a penalty point.

In any 30-day period, any customer who has “no showed” or “late cancelled” at least 10% of those trips will receive a suspension notice. A trip cancelled in accordance with our policy, i.e., more than two hours before the start of the pick-up window, will not be counted in the total number of trips booked, and the client will not receive penalty points.

Additionally, to ensure suspension only applies to riders who have an established pattern or practice of scheduling trips and not taking them, a customer must accumulate three (3) or more penalty points to receive a suspension. A customer will be subject to suspension only if both the minimum 10% of trips scheduled were “no showed” or “late cancelled” and the minimum number of penalty points are reached during the 30-day period.

The length of a customer’s suspension will adhere to the following schedule:

  • Upon a first violation within a calendar year, a customer receives a warning letter.
  • Second violation: 7-day (1-week) suspension
  • Third violation: 14-day (2-week) suspension (Loss of Subscription)
  • Fourth violation: 21-day (3-week) suspension (Loss of Subscription)
  • Fifth and subsequent violations: 28-day (4-week) suspension(Loss of Subscription)

Violations of this policy will result in suspension, per the above schedule. If a no show or late cancellation is due to circumstances beyond your control, please call the RTC’s Paratransit Customer Care department at (702) 228-4800 to explain the circumstance, and request the review and/or removal of the no show or late cancellation.

RTC will notify riders of all points assessed to their record. Prior to sending a suspension letter, RTC will review all no shows and late cancellations to ensure that the process was followed properly and an accurate count is represented. Any no show or late cancellation that is found to be in error will be removed from the customer’s account.

In the event you are a no show for a ride, the return ride or any additional ride(s) scheduled for that day will not be automatically canceled. Please call (702) 228-4800 or (702) 676-1834 (TDD) and select option 3 to cancel any return/additional rides you had scheduled that will no longer be needed.

Right of Appeal

If you dispute a suspension under this policy, you have the right to file an appeal. Appeal requests may be filed by the deadline per the instructions included with your notice of suspension. If you miss the appeal request deadline, your Paratransit service will be suspended on the date listed on your notice of service suspension.

The RTC’s goal is to provide a safe, comfortable ride for individuals traveling on RTC vehicles. To ensure a pleasant trip for all, please observe the following rules:

  • Seatbelts are recommended for passengers on vehicles and the driver will assist with fastening if requested.
  • No eating is allowed on the vehicle, and drinks must be in spill-proof covered containers.
  • Smoking is prohibited on the vehicle.
  • Proper attire, including shirts and shoes or appropriate foot coverings, is required on the vehicle.
  • Personal musical devices are allowed with headphones as long as the sound is not audible to others.
  • Please do not distract the driver while the vehicle is in motion.
  • Managing medication(s) and other personal belongings is the responsibility of the rider.
  • In order to ride, pets must be in a secure cage and held by or placed at the feet of the passenger.

All vehicles used for service in the RTC system are 100 percent ADA accessible.

Vehicle operators will assist customers in boarding and deboarding the Paratransit vehicle as needed.

All mobility devices such as wheelchairs, scooters and three-wheel carts must be secured in the vehicle and conform to the ADA definition of a mobility device. Accessibility to ADA Paratransit Service vehicles will be discussed with each person during the eligibility process.

The RTC offers mobility device users a free and voluntary program designed to identify securement locations to assist drivers in quickly and safely securing the equipment on the bus. Please contact (702) 676-1767 or (702) 676-1834 (TDD) and leave a message for more information and reference the Securement Assistance for Everyone (SAFE) program.

If your condition changes in a manner that requires you to use an assistive mobility device or change the type of mobility device used during your initial functional assessment, it must be reported to the RTC Certification Office at (702) 228-4800 or (702) 676-1815. Due to this change in your condition, you may be required to undergo an additional assessment to determine what effect this change may have on your functional ability. Your current eligibility status may be altered as a result of your new functional assessment.

  • As stated in the Passenger Code of Conduct, the RTC prohibits passengers from taking an animal onto a vehicle unless that animal is (a) a service animal trained to assist a person with a disability or (b) secured in a cage sufficient to contain the animal.
  • Service animals are welcome and ride free-of-charge.
  • A disruptive service animal will be treated according to the Passenger Code of Conduct.
  • Service dogs must sit on the floor or on the passenger’s lap. They may not occupy a passenger seat.
  • The RTC does not allow for the transport of deceased animals.
  • Children under six years old must be accompanied by a responsible party.
  • Children under six years old or who weigh less than 60 pounds should be secured in an approved child safety seat provided by the customer.
  • Strollers must be collapsed to fit between the seat and the customer. Non-collapsible strollers are prohibited.
  • For safety reasons, children capable of sitting on their own must sit in a seat and not on an adult’s lap.

A Personal Care Attendant (PCA) may ride free-of-charge when accompanying an individual certified by the RTC Certification Department. The need for a PCA will be determined during your evaluation appointment.

One companion may also accompany an eligible rider. A companion will be charged the same fare as the eligible rider. Let the Customer Care agent know at the time the reservation is made if you will be traveling with a companion, a PCA or both.

Customers determined as unable to be left unattended (based on age, cognitive limitations or special request of the responsible party) may schedule rides and ride unattended; however, arrangements must be made to have a responsible party meet the Paratransit vehicle at each location.

The “unattended passenger” form must be completed and on file. Please contact the RTC Certification Department at (702) 228-4800 or (702) 676-1815 if this service is required.

The driver will only wait five minutes for the responsible party to meet the Paratransit vehicle. If no one arrives, the driver will notify the RTC and continue on his/her route. The RTC will attempt to reach the designated emergency contact person. If the customer is not met by the end of the route, he/she will be returned to the bus yard. The responsible party will be required to pick-up the customer at the bus yard and must show proper identification. The customer will not be left unattended, and the police may be notified to assist in locating a responsible party.

Failure to have a responsible party meet the vehicle is a violation of the RTC Unattended Passenger policy, and customers are subject to suspension.

Customers are permitted to carry on only the number of bags that they are able to manage independently without the assistance of the driver. Due to space limitations and the time it takes to board the vehicle, the number of shopping bags is restricted to those that can be easily handled by the customer and carried aboard without delaying the vehicle. The carry-on items must fit within a certain space either on your lap or in front of your area. If a customer brings more than he/she is able to manage independently, it will be the customer’s choice on whether to board with a manageable amount of items and find alternative transportation to carry the remaining packages, or decline the trip. Please note points may be assessed for declined trips. See no show policy.

Shopping carts or any type of equipment used to assist with transporting packages, groceries, clothing or other items are allowed on a limited basis. When space is limited, priority must be given to RTC ADA Paratransit wheelchair passengers. Carts can be no larger than 28.5” high by 12” deep by 15.5” wide. The customer must bring a securement device (for example a bungee cord) to secure his/her cart. The trip must be reserved and approved with the cart, or the driver will be unable to transport the customer with his/her shopping cart.

The RTC desires to maintain and operate a safe, efficient, and effective public transit system. For the safety and comfort of all persons who interact with its public transit system, the RTC has established this policy to address the conduct of persons using RTC vehicles and facilities.

The RTC recognizes that there may be circumstances during which an individual’s disability or medical condition may cause a person to unknowingly and/or unintentionally violate this Passenger Code of Conduct Policy. For this and other reasons, the RTC investigates each violation individually.

Click here to read more about the RTC’s Passenger Code of Conduct Policy.

RTC ADA Paratransit Services provides “door-to- door” service. The driver will come to your residential door, but will not enter into lobbies of apartments, professional buildings, retail establishments or commercial properties to let you know the bus has arrived. Please watch for the vehicle. There are some locations and/or situations where the driver cannot leave the vehicle. When picking-up or dropping off on private property, there are often designated areas where a driver is permitted to stop. In order for us to serve you, it is necessary for you to wait for the vehicle at the marked stop. In many cases, you will be advised during your reservation of the appropriate location to wait for the vehicle.

Drivers will assist passengers who are unable to maneuver themselves from their door or designated pick-up location to the vehicle, provided it is safe for them to do so.

Drivers are Allowed to: 

  • Maneuver your manual wheel-chair if you need assistance from outside your door to the vehicle
  • Lend a steady arm if you need assistance
  • Provide directions or act as a sighted guide to/from the vehicle if you are visually impaired. If you feel you need this type of assistance, please notify the driver.

Drivers are Not Allowed/ Required to: 

  • Operate or push your electric mobility device (for example, electric wheelchair or scooter)
  • Operate or push your equipment or shopping cart up or down stairs or steep inclines
  • Cross residential thresholds
  • Lift or carry riders
  • Carry packages or other items

Drivers are trained not to perform these activities. Please do not make these requests of your driver.

The RTC does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to its programs, services, or activities; in treatment of individuals with disabilities; or in any aspect of RTC operations.

If you have reason to believe that a client, customer or citizen may need auxiliary aids and services to access a RTC program, service, or activity, advise the person that such assistance will be provided when appropriate and will be free of charge.

This offer and advice must also be made when a client, customer or citizen, due to a visual, hearing or speech impairment, requests an auxiliary aid or service for self (or on behalf of any other qualified individual) in seeking access to RTC services. Any questions or complaints regarding compliance are to be directed to our attention:

RTC paratransit utilizes a dedicated fleet of ADA-accessible buses and vans. RTC paratransit does not accommodate requests or exclusions for specific vehicles within our fleet. Our accessible vehicles are equipped to transport eligible paratransit customers, including those who use wheelchairs and scooters requiring a lift or ramp to board a vehicle.


This determination is in accordance with 49 CFR Parts 37 & 38 – Department of Transportation (DOT) ADA Regulations Appendix E to Part 37—Reasonable Modification Requests, 9. Dedicated vehicles or special equipment in a vehicle. A paratransit passenger's request for special equipment (e.g., the installation of specific hand rails or a front seat in a vehicle for the passenger to avoid nausea or back pain) can be denied so long as the requested equipment is not required by the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Department's rules. Likewise, a request for a dedicated vehicle (e.g.,to avoid residual chemical odors) or a specific type or appearance of vehicle (e.g., a sedan rather than a van, in order to provide more comfortable service) can be denied. In all of these cases, the Department views meeting the request as involving a fundamental alteration of the provider's service.

Questions & Comments

We want to hear from you. Please contact Customer Care online at rtcsnv.com or via phone at (702) 228-4800 option 7 or (702) 676-1834 (TDD) to ask a question or leave us your comments, complaints, suggestions or recommendations.

Or if you prefer, you can write to:

RTC Paratransit Services
600 S. Grand Central Pkwy., Ste. 350
Las Vegas, NV 89106
Attn: Customer Service

or e-mail us through our website

When making a comment, please try to provide as much detail as possible so we can properly address your concern. For example, if you’re reporting a situation involving a Paratransit vehicle, the exact date is necessary.

Please also read our FAQs page for a list of comprehensive information to questions you may have.

Important Numbers

Safety & Security
(702) 676-1500; (702) 676-1834 (TDD)
600 Grand Central
Las Vegas, NV 89106

RTC ADA Paratransit Customer Service
Scheduling (702) 228-4800, option 2 or TDD (702) 676-1834,
7 Days a week, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Same Day Reservations (excluding holidays) 
(702) 228-4800, option 3, or TDD (702) 676-1834
Mon. – Fri., 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Inquiry/Same Day Cancellations 
(702) 228-4800, option 3 or TDD (702) 676-1834
7 Days a week, 24 hours a day

Certification Office/Lost I.D. Cards
(702) 228-4800, option 4, (702) 676-1815 or TDD (702) 676-1834
Mon. – Fri., 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

E-mail us through our website 
(702) 228-4800, option 7, or TDD (702) 676-1834
7 Days a week, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Lost and Found
(702) 228-4800, (702) 676-1834 (TDD)
7 days a week, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

RTC Administrative Offices
(702) 676-1500 or TDD (702) 676-1834
Mon. – Thurs., 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

RTC Fixed Route Customer Service
(702) 228-7433 or TDD 676-1834
Mon. – Sun., 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Holidays 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Closed Christmas and Thanksgiving

Abbreviations Used

EB – Eastbound
FS – Farside (Past the intersection)
LVB – Las Vegas Blvd.
NB – Northbound
NS – Nearside (Before the Intersection)
SB – Southbound
WB – Westbound

Contact Us

Paratransit Customer Service
OR TDD 702-676-1834
Mon. – Sun.: 7 am – 6 pm

Certification Office

Lost & Found

See our FAQ page

Paratransit Call Before You Move

Call Before You Move
Ensure all pick-up and drop-off locations are within the Paratransit service area in order to continue to receive Paratransit service.

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