How the RTC’s cycling team serves our community

2024-04-04T17:50:10-07:00| Categories: Blog| Tags: |

Welcome to the dynamic world of Southern Nevada's RTC cycling team—a driving force behind the region's transformation into a haven for active transportation. But what exactly does that mean? Let's dive in.

Active transportation isn't just about getting from point A to point B; it's about a lifestyle. Picture a network of pathways crisscrossing the cityscape, inviting pedestrians and cyclists alike to explore their surroundings while reducing traffic congestion and emissions. That's the vision RTC is striving to bring to life.

Safety is paramount in this endeavor. By advocating for smarter road designs and community education, the cycling team isn't just talking the talk—they're paving the way for safer streets. Slower vehicle speeds aren't just a statistic; they're a lifeline for pedestrians and cyclists, drastically improving survival rates in the event of a collision. It's about more than just sharing the road; it's about fostering a culture of mutual respect and understanding among all road users.

But the benefits don't end there. With easily accessible bike lanes and paved trails, RTC is empowering residents to integrate physical activity into their daily routines. It's not just about meeting minimum guidelines; it's about unlocking a world of health and wellness right outside your door. From reducing the risk of chronic diseases to enhancing mental well-being, the rewards of an active lifestyle are boundless.

In a region where physical inactivity poses a significant threat, the cycling team isn't just a group of riders—they're catalysts for change. By championing infrastructure improvements and promoting healthy habits, they're shaping a brighter, more vibrant future for Southern Nevada.

So whether you're a seasoned cyclist or just lacing up your walking shoes, join us as we pedal towards progress. Together, we can turn streets into safe havens, communities into connected hubs, and every journey into an opportunity for growth and vitality.

Watch this video to hear  more about how this team is making a difference in our valley!

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