MPO projects that will transform the future of transportation in our community

2024-04-04T17:54:13-07:00| Categories: Blog| Tags: |

The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is working on projects that impact YOU! These initiatives address present-day challenges and lay the groundwork for a more sustainable and efficient transportation system for the future of Southern Nevada.

At the heart of the MPO's efforts lies the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) which is updated every four years. The current update, Let’s Go 2050, began with a public survey and a call-for-projects to local jurisdictions and community partners. Submitted projects are being reviewed and assessed and prioritized for their level of community benefit. The RTC will go back out to the community and our partners to seek further guidance on investment priorities before finalizing the plan by the end of the year. To get more information on the Let’s Go 2050 RTP Update, click HERE.

Aiming to complete the transformation of the northern portion of the Boulder Highway corridor, the Boulder Highway Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project is a testament to innovation and collaboration. The entire corridor has been identified for center-running BRT investment and a complete streets makeover. This project will continue the project north of the City of Henderson, which is actively working on their portion of the corridor.  To see the vision of this project, click HERE.

Recognizing the evolving transportation needs around Nellis Air Force Base and explosive industrial growth in the area, the Nellis Study aims to improve traffic flow, safety, and transit service, which were identified as priority issues during the initial phase of community engagement. The next steps include walk audits and identifying potential projects that address congestion hotspots, make roads more walkable and bikeable, and enhance public transportation. Click HERE to explore the study.

In line with Assembly Bill 343 (2021) and in collaboration with regional partners, a Walk Audit website was created explaining the benefits of walk audits, tracks completed, planned walk audits throughout the region, and allows the public to request a walk audit in their neighborhood. To visit the website or request a walk audit, click HERE.

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